Greenhouse effect and global warming presentation pdf

Global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting from human activities such as. Part of this radiation is directed towards the surface, warming it. The greenhouse effect know the advantages and disadvantages. Pdf greenhouse gases and global warming researchgate. Even small variations of the planets average temperature can have a large impact on the environment. A free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on. Greenhouse gases absorbs infrared radiation balance of energy of planet gets damage and. How is the greenhouse effect related to global warming. Global warming, the enhancement of the natural greenhouse effect caused by emissions associated with human activities of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and halogenated. Emissions of minor greenhouse gases is a factor, but only one factor and probably not the most important among several. Presentation pdf available february 2014 with 7,209 reads. Air pollution, greenhouse gases and climate change rosa p.

Lesson objectives by the end of this lesson, students will. Apr 23, 2020 the greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in earths atmosphere trap the suns heat. Global warming and its impact on business global warming global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of earths atmosphere and oceans. May 04, 2019 humans are creating climate change by burning large amounts of fossil fuels coal, oil, natural gas, deforestation when forests are cut down or burned, they can no longer store carbon, and the carbon is released to the atmosphere. It is a complex issue full of uncertainties and controversies. Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the earths nearsurface air and oceans since the mid20th century, and its projected continuation. Thanks to the greenhouse gases, the earth is warm enough to sustain life.

This video segment demonstrates carbon dioxides role in the greenhouse effect and explains how increasing concentrations of c02 in the atmosphere may be contributing to global warming. The average surface temperature of earth is maintained by a balance of various forms of solar and terrestrial radiation. Such gases are called as green house gas like co2, methane, nitrogen oxide, cfcs, ozone, etc trap heat and warm the earth surface. Ghgs, such as carbon dioxide and methane, have an insulating effect on our atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases which prevent the outgoing radiation of the sun from returning into space. Greenhouse gases ghgs warm the surface and the atmosphere with significant implications for rainfall, retreat of glaciers and sea ice, sea level, among other. Greenhouse gases absorbs infrared radiation balance of energy of planet gets damage and along with this, there will be a dissimilarity in. Global warming and climate change refer to systemic, planetwide changes to the earths climate. The blue uncertainty bars show a 95% confidence interval and it constantly growing. Earth isnt actually inside a greenhouse, but our atmosphere traps the suns. I hope you enjoy this online lecture on greenhouse effect and glob. The intergovernmental panel on climate change ipcc concludes most of the. Thus, greenhouse gases trap heat within the surfacetroposphere system. Green house effect and global warming essay 4 250 words greenhouse effect is the process on the earth planet caused by the gases trapping heat and energy from the various sources.

Jun 07, 2016 the basics of the greenhouse effect and climate change global warming are discussed. Greenhouse effect, global warming, carbon sequestration pmf ias. The greenhouse effect is the warming of climate that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from earth toward space. Solar radiation is often called shortwave radiation because the frequencies of the radiation are relatively high and the wavelengths relatively shortclose to the visible portion of the electromagnetic. Greenhouse effect, a warming of earths surface and troposphere the lowest layer of the atmosphere caused by the presence of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and certain other gases in the air. In its place,we are entering a period of consequences. The greenhouse effect is the process by which radiation from a planets atmosphere warms the planets surface to a temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere radiatively active gases i.

The climate of a place, say new york, can be described as its rainfall, changing temperatures during the year and. Feb 22, 2016 without the greenhouse effect, earth would be very cold, too cold for living things to live. The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that our globe is undergoing major. Earths natural greenhouse effect is critical to supporting life, and initially was a precursor to life moving out of the ocean onto land. Climate change the enhanced greenhouse effect environmental. Form definitions of the greenhouse effect based on prior knowledge, class discussion, and viewing diagrams. Global warming ppt free download as powerpoint presentation. Check out our video on greenhouse effect and global warming by letstute.

A greenhouse gas absorbs infrared radiation when molecules interact with uv radiation the energy they absorb can break bonds. Today we know that global warming is increasing because more and more gases get into the atmosphere. This effect is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and other gases in the air, many of them released by human activity. Air pollution social effects the greenhouse effect global warming is a longterm rise in the average temperature of the earths climate system, an aspect of climate change shown by. Green house effect and global warming essay 3 200 words greenhouse effect is a process caused by the green house gases during which thermal radiations of the earths surface gets absorbed which again reradiated to all directions instead of escaping back to the space. The glass lets light in and at the same time keeps heat from getting out. Global warming causes and impacts of the greehouse effect. This heat keeps the plants warm, even when it is cold outside. Global warming causes of global warming britannica. This entrapped energy of the sun results in the excessive heating up of the earth, and causes the much spoken about phenomenon of global warming, thus exhibiting the relation between global warming and the greenhouse effect. Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature would be 33 c lower. The era of procrastination, of half measures, of soothing and baffling expedients of delay are coming to a close. The report of the european science and environment forum. The troposphere has a thick layer of carbon dioxide and this layer of carbon dioxide serves as a roof of the.

Solar radiation is often called shortwave radiation because the frequencies of the radiation are relatively high and the wavelengths relatively shortclose to the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This process makes earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. Volcanic activity contributes to creation of greenhouse gases. Global warming is the cause, climate change is the effect. The greenhouse effect, combined with increasing levels of greenhouse gases and the resulting global warming, is expected to have profound implications, according to the nearuniversal consensus of. The greenhouse effect is the heating of the surface of a planet or moon due to the presence of an atmosphere containing gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation. Apr 23, 2017 global warming ppt and pdf free to download. A greenhouse is a structure whose roof and walls are made chiefly of. In media, it is synomonous with the term climate change. The greenhouse is covered with a kind of plastic walls which permits all radiations from the sun.

The greenhouse effect helps to maintain a certain temperature level on earths surface, making it habitable for the living beings. The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is reradiated in all directions. Generally, a physical property of the atmosphere of earth is referred by an expression called greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases and global warming encyclopedia of life. Essay on green house effect and global warming for students.

For example, the ice ages that occurred generally involved a reduction in the global temperature of around 5c. Have them practice presenting global warming using their diagrams with peer partners. Global warming is primarily induced by human activities, principally because of greenhouse gas emissions from combustion of fossil fuels. Climate change refers to significant, longterm changes in the global climate. Naturally occurring greenhouse gases have a mean warming effect of about 33 c 59 f, without which earth would be uninhabitable.

A greenhouse or a farm house is a very big enclosure for the plants in a farm to save them from an extremely cold temperature in winter. Ppt the greenhouse effect and global warming powerpoint. The physics of the greenhouse effect and the concept of greenhouse gases are presented. Mar 23, 2017 greenhouse effect ppt and pdf free download. Students will read an article on one effect of climate change global warming in small groups. However, if the greenhouse effect is too strong, earth gets warmer and warmer. This article discusses amongst cause of global warming and consequences of. In addition a lot of the energy absorbed by the atmosphere is reradiated back to the earth, further driving up the temperature. It is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases warm a planets lower atmosphere and surface. Global warming,greenhouse effect, climate change, the single biggest threat to humanity. Human activities, however, mainly the burning of fossil fuels and clearcutting of forests, have accelerated the greenhouse effect and caused global warming. Page 1 ventura county air pollution control district, ventura, ca effects of global warming lesson concepts. You can purchase this powerpoint from my online store. I have been a stay at home mom for almost 5 years and i am so excited to be able to still stay home, take care of my children and make a living taking surveys on my own computer.

Global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting from human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. Video includes an unusual demonstration of c02s heatabsorbing properties, using infrared film, a researchers face, and a stream of c02 between them. Of those gases, known as greenhouse gases, water vapor has the largest effect. Greenhouse effect powerpoint presentations authorstream. Global warming ppt global warming greenhouse effect. They will answer questions on this article and fill in a graphic organizer. The greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes earth a comfortable place to live. Global warming is melting glaciers in every region of the world, putting millions of people at risk from floods, droughts and lack of drinking water. The greenhouse effect and global warming what are they. Powerpoint presentation global warming and the coming. Powerpoint presentation global warming and the coming peaks.

A free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on id. Increased greenhouse gas emissions will result in increased average global temperatures. Scientists often prefer to speak about climate change instead of global warming, because higher global temperatures dont necessarily mean that it will be warmer at any given time at every location on earth. A greenhouse is a glass house in which plants grow. This resource contains an informative and fully editable 120 slide powerpoint presentation on climate change. Too much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in air can make the greenhouse effect stronger which would result to global warming. Arial default design the greenhouse effect and global warming slide 2 what is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect serves to keep the long term annual average temperature of the earth approximately 32c higher than the earths temperature would be. Global warming global warming causes of global warming. The global climate is the connected system of sun, earth and oceans, wind, rain and snow, forests, deserts and savannas, and everything people do, too. The distribution of co 2 between atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Greenhouse effect, global warming, carbon sequestration. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

Have students create a diagram depicting the greenhouse effect using paper, markers, etc. The greenhouse effect and global warming learning to give. It has been estimated that without the presence of atmosphere and gases, the temeparture of the earth would have been somewhere around 18. Tell them that they will be asked to go home and explain the greenhouse effect and global warming to a family member using their diagram as part of a homework assignment. The greenhouse effect and global warming authorstream. Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases are the highest.

With the atmosphere present, the surface must radiate at a higher et4 since not as much energy is escaping. Greenhouse effect and global warming environmental. Over the last 100 years, the average air temperature near the earths surface has risen by a little less than 1 degree celsius or 1. Green house effect and global warming illinois state. Greenhouse gases and their impact on global warming article pdf available in journal of scientific research and reports 176. This article discusses amongst cause of global warming and consequences of global warming on the environment. Ir radiation is less powerful as the photons contains less energy. Participate in group brainstorming sessions and class discussions related to the impact of the greenhouse effect and global warming. Greenhouse effect and global warming environmental science. The concepts of radiative forcing of climate change and global warming.

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